We have had many requests from our colleagues on the Legal Help Online Cohort, about how to get schema markup onto their Drupal website.
Here is a first way to do get key Schema markup onto your homepage. We’ll share future step-by-step guides for getting page-specific markup to indicate your jurisdiction and issue area to search engines.
Putting Legal Schema onto your homepage
- Make Legal Schema Markup on our free generator here, by filling in a form and creating json code. Save this code as a txt file, or have it ready to copy for step 7.
- Download the markup module here: https://www.drupal.org/project/structured_data
- Upload markup module using Extend(admin/modules) -> Add new module button
- Then click enable newly added modules link or navigate to /admin/modules
- Search for Structured Data JSON-LD module and enable it
– navigate to content page (admin/content) and click to edit home page - Click shortcuts link on top left panel and click Page Json button
- Add generated markup to the Json field without script tags like below:
“@context”: “http://www.schema.org”,
“@graph”: [
“@type”: “LegalService”,
“name”: “Legal Lab”,
“url”: “https://schema.legalhelpdashboard.org/manual”,
“logo”: “https://schema.legalhelpdashboard.org/manual”,
“description”: “asdasdasdasd”
} - Update url field to hame page link (like /node/1)
- Submit and it’s done!